
    For digital teamwork and to avoid SGB V (social security statute book) outlays: Avoid falls, support nursing staff, and measurably improve mobility in old age!

    Fall prevention is of systemic importance

    Together with the nursing and health insurance funds, we act as strong, local partners in the care sector.

    Don’t worry, we’re not delusional. We know that an app won’t stop anyone from falling. Even if it is driven by artificial intelligence. Our app-based Mobility Analysis, SturzApp for short, is a coordinating link at the various predetermined breaking points in care so that we can systematically promote mobility, avoid falls and relieve nursing staff.

    Bases for cooperation:

    Guideline on Prevention in full and part-time inpatient care facilities according to § 5 SGB XI

    In the setting, the app-based Mobility Analysis serves as a coordinating link in order to meet the individual’s needs and transfer them to appropriate group interventions.

    • With repeated use, inpatient facilities create a learning cycle as the health promotion process intends – with its individual phases from the identification of needs, through to the analysis, all the way to the evaluation.
    • Specialists and caregivers, therapists, and residents establish a new type of teamwork with objectively measurable goals together with their health insurance partner

    We advance our cooperation with institutions in an agile manner based on actual needs. All the parties involved participate in the development and implementation: The nursing staff, those in need of care and their relatives, therapists, and partners from the local network.

    Get in touch with us to work together!

    Guideline on Prevention according to § 20a SGB V for the elderly in the living community environment

    We all want to live a long, mobile, independent and safe life within our own four walls. Outpatient care before inpatient care is a given goal. Falls followed by femoral neck fractures and an increased need for care often mark the end of the fragile construct in domesticity. Lodgings and outpatient care services, in close collaboration with their community, can develop new concepts and movement programs locally:

    • Close to home, ‘low-threshold’, and on-site within the existing structures  
    • Intelligent and resource-saving networking of parties  
    • Measurably effective and evidence-based according to the expert standard for fall prevention 
    • Independent implementation even with scarce resources
    • Digital participation for nursing staff and the elderly in practical interactions

    Outpatient parties can introduce the app-based digital Lindera Mobility Analysis as a coordinating link to meet the individual in their home needs (striving for independence, self-determination, and mobility) and transfer them to suitable (group) interventions.

    Digital care application

    On January 20th, 2021, the German Federal Cabinet decided to introduce digital care applications for home care. The first applications at nursing care insurance funds are expected in early 2022. Lindera aims to be included in this group as soon as possible, so that insured persons can use the SturzApp with the support of their care service, their care consults, or their relatives.

    Digital health application (DiGA)

    Apps for prescription have been available in Germany since autumn 2020. Lindera aims to be included in this group at a later date in order to prevent the need for care and help people with a diagnosed tendency to falls to live a long, independent, and mobile life within their own four walls.


    Would you like to use the app-based Mobility Analysis? Please get in touch!

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